Thundercats is a 1980s cartoon That ran from 1985 To 1989, it has 2 reboots the 2011 reboot that lasted for 1 season and the 2 reboot lasted for a couple months then cancelled. but in 2014 There was a Thundercats spinoff called CosmicCats. it was a more light hearted series than the Other thundercats series. The series is a spinoff of thundercats 2011
On Crystellix a country on third earth, The cosmic cats Catzura (cousin of cheatara), Leo (cousin of lion-o), And Roro Kat and Roro Kit (Cousin's of the wileytwins) set a mission to go to a universe called 0001 which was the first universe ever, but when they got there its not quite what they expected. Despite this with their 13 year old human friend Thomas they get into wacky Shanagins while keeping their alien sides a secret
- Catzura (cousin of cheatara) Aperance: she has blue skin with light teal hair, her eye color is purple. She wears a holographic basketball jersey with fishnet gloves, holographic shorts, purple glitter sneakers and transparent socks.
- Leo: wip
- The rorotwins: wip
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