Hello everyone. The above tabs labeled New, Continue, Account, Tutorial and Community are all part of a collection of pages we call the LMIW Instruction Manual. "Amazing. Even the name is boring but lost media related." Ha ha. Anyway, this page is a brief summary of what each page of the manual includes. Quick reference with a table of contents.
Quick links[]
Table of Contents[]
You will see the below list when reading the manual. It is to aid navigation. Use it as needed.
Other Places to Look |
Which answers your question?
Firstly, navigation to the various sections are available through the menu near the top of the page. File:Navigated.png
The wiki is designed to resemble a video game. To add to that, navigation is divided into 5 sections:
- New
- Continue
- Account
- Tutorial
- Community
But that list is rather vague. Here is a more descriptive table to fill you in.
Under | Definition | These are categorized |
New | On writing an article about a unique series |
Continue | On writing an article about a published series |
Account (options) | About your user account |
Tutorial (help) | Help beyond Wikia Help |
Community | About the other users and what we are doing |
Anything else I should add here? Tell me about it.